Between the 11 July 2016 and the 17 of October 2016 (99 days) I cycled 2,354 Km (1,463 miles) in China, taking a break and going to Hong Kong to get a new Chinese visa. I cycled and average of 65.4 Km per day. The longest distance I cycled on a single day was 110 Km and the shortest 18 Km.

During that time I spent 2,069 euros. The average daily cost in China was 20.89 euros.
Eating out includes not only meals but any ready made refreshments like cakes and soft drinks and of course all those nice cold beers at the end of the day whilst groceries are mainly buying ingredients to cook my own meals. Included in accommodation costs are any gifts I took to say thank you to those that open their doors to me.
Communication covers the cost of SIM cards and postage to letters home. My tablet died and I had to replace it and that is included in the communication costs as are a new battery for my phone and a power bank.
The Transport costs in this page are very high. I too a high speed train between Urumqi and Xining and trains to Hong Kong to get a new visa. Not included are flights from Hong Kong to Chengdu.

Below is how I spent my nights in China and Hong Kong