The pages in this section show an analysis of the distanced covered, where I spent the night and information about the money I spent in the trip. I did mainly because I love statistics but maybe the information will be useful to some.
This page shows the overall figures for the trip. The other pages in this section, cover the individual geographical areas I travelled through.
I left London on the 08 July 2015 and returned on the 28 May 2017. I was away for 690 days in total. In that time I cycled 22,274 Km (13,840 miles). I spent just over half of the the time on the saddle, that was interesting for me. I remember a friend telling me that I wasn’t cycling around the world, she said I was going around the world on a bike, a subtle difference but a truism that the figures bear witness to.
I didn’t have a bike computer so I have no idea how much I climbed, my maximum speed or the actual number of hours I pedalled. I calculated my daily distances using and Google maps so I know that they are not ultra accurate but that was good enough for me.

I am not a fast cyclist, in fact I love going slowly, stopping often, taking photos, chatting and laughing with people… The longest distance I covered in a day was 115 Km (71.5 miles) and the shortest day 3 Km (just under 2 miles), I’ve no idea what I did on that day, probably go to the shop and back. My average distance per day was 57 Km very close to the 60 Km/day that I used when I needed to calculate how long it would take me to get somewhere.
When it comes to expenditure I spent 12,586 euros in total. The costs on the road added up to 10,967 euros and the breakdown is reflected in the graph below. Not showing in this breakdown are the costs of bike maintenance on the road which were 146 euros, special treats like a balloon flight in Cappadocia and a posh Hammam in Istanbul (around 200 euros) and the cost of flights, including the flight back home which totalled 1,273 euros.
The average daily cost including everything was 18.24 euros. If you take into account only the on the road cost then it reduces to 15.89 euros.

The average daily cost including everything was 18.24 euros. If you take into account only the on the road cost then it reduces to 15.89 euros. The context of the expenditure in each country/area can be found in the relevant section.

The comparison of what I spent in each area of the world is shown below. Of course I spent different time in different places and the second graph puts this one in context.

Of course I spent different time in different places of the world and the graph below puts the % of expenditure into context.
The time I spent in each area also gives context to how far I cycled in each

And finally as I spent over a third of my budget in accommodation below is the break down of where I spent my nights

It has been fun doing this analysis, I’m not sure how much looking at what I did is going to change my next trip, only time will tell.