Blanca on a Bike is heading for Africa


Have you ever had a dream? Something that you always wanted to do? Or do you enjoy reading about places, the world, cycling and more? I did.

Initially Blanca on a Bike was going to be mainly a way to keep in touch with family and friends. A way to be able to share with them my bicycle journey. A place to publish photos so that they could see the places I will visit and the people I will meet.

I was also hoping to get something back from it. It is so amazing to hear from people when you are away. It is particularly motivating when you are having a bit of a hard time. I wanted the blog to be a central place where I could get messages and comments from everyone.

And then, like so many of the things I get involved in, it grew. I began to read other people’s blogs and got a lot out of it. This made me want to give something back and develop a resource for others. Comments and suggestions to make the blog better are more than welcome.

There are several  sections on the site that will get regularly updated

  • The blog – travel log will tell the story of my trip and those that subscribe get a notification when a new post is up
  • The country file section which I started during my
    Africa trip and provides information that I hope would be useful to others planning to visit this wonderful continent
  • The Africa route map and associated tables

To start with during my first trip I started The Photos section  which wanted to  tell the story but in a different way. This section died of natural death after a while. I underestimated the difficulty of working with images having a small tablet as my only tool. I included many more photos in the blog posts instead.

If you would like to follow this blog – please sing up and  you will receive a notification every time I update the content  and of course if you have any suggestions on how to make it better and more useful please let me know.

If you would like to publish sections of this blog or photos please get in touch with me before you do so.


89 thoughts on “Blanca on a Bike is heading for Africa”

  1. Dearest Blanca, I am so excited and thrilled for you!! I have been meaning to send my love and wishes – so now I can, and follow your progress, you are amazing and an inspiration to us all – GO GIRL GO (and dont forget the vaseline!!)) Loads of hugs and love and well wishes xxxxx

  2. Amazing and inspirational all round. How do you follow on from the Gobi dessert challenge last month
    ? Ofcourse you take to your bike and cycle round the world. I thought I was brave cycling on my motorised Brompton to Waterloo daily. I promise not to mention it again!

    it must be both exciting and terrifying both for you and your girls following your exploits at home. I am so proud to know you and wish you all the very best. This has to be a book now!

    Love Sonia

  3. What an amazing journey you are about to embark! I will for sure be following you and waiting for your visit on this side of the world!!!!
    Have a blast Blanca!!!!
    Lots of love,

  4. Blanca, have a wonderful inspiring magical time, we never forgot the kindness you gave to us…. many joyful blessings to you, much love Gordon and Adam x

  5. Live the dream and enjoy the ride. Great determination and loads of love will see you though the hard times and the ride.
    Hope you make it to the greatest place on earth Australia.

  6. What a wonderful and exciting journey you will have Blanca. I hope you have a total blast, and can’t wait to come and join you!
    Loads of love
    Kath xxx

  7. Blanca,
    Good Luck with your Bike Journey.
    I cannot wait to see & read about it. I hope you’ll enjoy my home country SVK & cross over to HUN (funny enough was in Agtelek cave & Miscolc cave bath last summer – lovely places)
    Safe journey & Enjoy!
    Andrea (foto course)

  8. We’ll be following you all the way. So exciting and scary – if anyone can do it, you can. Love from us both xx

  9. Wow Blanca – how did you manage not say anything about this in the Gobi Desert? A – MAY – ZING! We must definitely catch up somewhere along the way.

  10. Blanca, desejo a você toda sorte e alegria nesta nova e fantástica aventura. Ficarei acompanhando. Grande beijo!!

  11. Hi Blanca!
    Nice to meet you again! Y de paso saludar a Pilar. Los viejos compañeros de Alza, siempre en la retaguardia. Gracias por compartir todo esto con tanta gente.
    Desde Donosti, un abrazo.

  12. Ni hao Bianca
    I cycle 2 miles a day n feel exhausted
    I think its great you have taken this challenge. Wish you all the best
    I bet you can’t wait to try your Chinese once u get to China
    Good luck & I ll be following your website for updates


    1. ÁNIMO Txuri ya falta menos para tu gran reto! Disfruta y
      SUERTE! a la vuelta organizamos una de la cuadrilla de Alza!! Muxu handi bat!!!

  13. Wow Bianca. Sounds fascinating and wonderfully intrepid. Do you a time limit or is it open ended? Go safely and enjoy xx

  14. Just to wish you lots and lots of luck and amazing experiences… Can’t wait to read on your blog how it goes xxx Helen

  15. Hi from Mijas to you my gorgeous departing friend. We still haven’t managed that skype call yet – any chance of tomorrow, sunday morning? I’m hoping you’re almost all sorted – insurance too! Love the idea that we just need to SING up to get your posts. Xxxx carol

  16. Hi Blanca,
    We met in the Greenwich photography course. I wish you all the best for your trip. I am looking forward to seeing lots of pictures!

  17. Go girl!!!!! massively jealous. Have a fantastic adventure and be careful. I will follow your trip with great interest and excitement. Be careful xx

  18. Hi Blanca,
    We met each other biking nearby Wageningen in the Netherlands. We think you’re so good and brave to live your dream. Our dream is smaller, we’re biking to Rome. Thanks for Some usefull information and we won’t tell anybody about your secret on your front bag :-). Back home we will folow you. Good luck from two dutch bikers.

    1. Hi

      It was so nice meeting goes you on the road! Your dream is wonderful to, because I think that dreams are not big or small they are just dreams, enjoy yours!

      My secret is no more, right now is in a box I it’s way to London. Too heavy

      Enjoy getting to Rome.

  19. Hey baby, I’m I interested! Really looking forward to keeping in touch whilst you travel and seeing your journey. Good luck! X

  20. Kaixo Txuri!
    I wish you my best. Me he incorporado un poco tarde Espero que tu sueño se haga realidad, Muso potoloak Zarautzetik ta disfrutatu.
    Enjoy your big trip and see you next year.

  21. How fortunate we were to have met you on the guided walk in Plovdiv. We are excited for you and know you will have many adventures. As for us we will do what we love to do and that is walk, walk,walk. Tomorrow we will be off to Sophia on a train- a new experience for us. We look forward to following you and your bike .

  22. You are such a lovely person and a real inspiration. It was so good to spend some time with you. I wish we meet soon again.

  23. Aupa Txuri:

    Ezin izan nuen egon Alkizako azken bileran. Pero los amigos y amigas de la Facultad me contaban tu proyecto y no lo podía creer. Y de repente me entero que estás en Turquia!!! Besarkada handi bat eta munduko animo guztiak. Eutsi Txuri!!


  24. Hola Blanca!!!

    Espero que estés disfrutando de tu viaje y que en algún momento compartas tus experiencias y vivencias. Seguro que por donde vas pasando vas dejando una huella de simpatía y de cariño. Tú eres así, no lo puedes evitar…por donde pasas vas enciendo luces!!!!

    Te deseo que todo te vaya genial y cuídate mucho!!!! Y que te veamos en las fotos…me quedo muy tranquila cuando compruebo que estás genial y más guapa que nunca.

    Un abrazo, campeona!!!!!

  25. Kaixo blanca…
    Acabo se escuchar el programa de radio Euskadi… Me ha encantado escucharte.
    Te deseo todo lo mejor en tu vida y travesía.
    Tienes una voz que da energía de vivir.continúa así.
    Intentaré seguir tu aventura….
    Animo!!!!!! Mutua

  26. Hola Blanca
    Te acabo de escuchar por la radio y me ha encantado tu viaje. Me has removido mi suenyo tambien.Un aplauso pero que muy grande desde Bristol.Mucho animo y que sigas disfrutando del viaje.

    1. Kaixo Blanca. Irratian entzun zaitut eta zuk egiten ari zarena zoragarria iruditzen zait. Onena opa dizut zure bidaian.

  27. Hi Blanca we are still following your amazing life and travels and sending peace and blessing your way. Be safe wherever you are wherever you go whoever your with. WE LOVE YOU xxx heidi n mel

  28. I’m a warmshowers host in south east australia. I hope you will visit. In the meantime I would love to read about your journey. I’m born in 1954 but you prove that age is no barrier!!

  29. Te he escuchado en la radio y tu aventura me ha parecido fantástica. Con tu alegría y tono de voz habrías triunfado en los medios de comunicación. Ondo izan.

  30. Hi Blanca, it’s Bill, we met at the hostel in Luang Prabang. I hope you are both well, great blog! How can I send you the photo I took outside the hostel as you were leaving?

  31. Hi Blanca,
    Albert here from UK, we met in khorg (I think) Tajikistan and went for that well earned curry! I was travelling by motorbike at the time with Charlotte my girlfriend. Well we kept to our word and sold our bike in mongolia, we picked up bicycles in Japan and have been pedaling ever since! Just finished crossing america and heading to Lisbon for a final blitz across Europe back home to Nice. I remember the nice fellow from Alaska who was with us at the time he had set off from Lisbon and I’m keen for any tips on what the best / easiest route is to get me across Spain quickly from lisbon towards Barcelona (I need to be home by Xmas!). Do you have his contact details, sorry for such a long message and of course if you have any tips too! I’m scouring the net but not finding much info on Spain routes… My email is your blog is amazing, with our trip coming to an end soon I am super jealous of you!!!!!
    All the best,
    Albert and Charlotte

  32. Finally signed up to your blog, I think Ed will be pleased I am not constantly quizzing him to see what you are up to! Love seeing what you are up to.

    How blooming amazing. Still walking in 3 days a week all thanks to you Blanca.

    Oh, got married hence the surname being Tobin and not Reeves.

    all the very best, will keep checking in you inspiration you!!!

  33. Such a privilege to have met you at the Hihhlands Hotel in Vietnam (as well as getting to share some chicken and rice with you).

    You’re an amazing lady and so lovely! Fantastic blog too!

    Stay safe on your travels and good luck.

    Love & Light

  34. Dearest Blanca!! Thank you so much for your lovely WS message …. Its been too long and I’m sorry I have been out of touch!! Yes Tilly and I are back on the road. Currently in Mongolia and having an incredible and varied time!!! Some very tough times and some equally amazing and wonderful experiences to complement them!!! Sending lots of love and hugs to you and Foxtrot and good wishes for tailwinds and a smooth open road!! … Rae xxx

  35. Dear Blanca

    It was lovely meeting you at Harry Perry Bikes, Woolwich the other day.
    What an inspiration you are.
    You made us all realise that we are all human but just have different manifestations in a spectrum of colour.
    What a special times we live in and to cherish every moment and be.

  36. Hi Blanca,
    We met in last march in Hoï Ann, sleeping in the same guesthouse.
    We talked together during breakfast. You were making your own coffee. How much you look strong on your bicycle traveling all around the world. How are you? Are you still on the road?
    You are a star in our souvenirs.
    Big hubs, Marthe and Pierre St-Cyr from Canada

  37. Hola.No nos conocemos.comprartimos una amiga mientras estuvo con nosotras. siempre he tenido noticias tuyas por ella.espero que podamos conocernos algún día.
    Mucho ánimo en el maravilloso viaje que estas viviendo.un abrazo

  38. Hi Blanca
    This is Mohamed, we met today at the Zaafarana on your way from El Ein El Sokhna towards Ras Ghareb.
    I hope enjoyed a good sleep there and that you continue your trip successfully and enjoyably.
    Please keep in touch if you need any help as long you are in Egypt.
    Enjoy your adventure to the max Miss Stubborn

    1. Well… Being stubborn paid off this time. I had a great ride to Ras Ghareb, tail winds all the way. Yes!!!! Thank you for your kindness yesterday it made the world of difference to me and if you come to London get in touch (I should be back December 2019)
      Millions of thanks again. Enjoy your big and powerful bike!!

  39. Am happy to have met strong lady from Spain who is such enthusiastic……. longing to see you finish the journey

  40. Dear Blanca, I was so happy to meet you very briefly at that place in Makuyu ! What a coincidence to meet a basque neighbor in the middle of Africa!
    Travel safe 😉

  41. Blanco, this is an amazing trip. Am so happy for you and your effort to make a difference.. Am privileged to have met you in Eldoret when it was flooding.

  42. Blanca, this is an amazing trip. Am so happy for you and your effort to make a difference. Am privileged to have met you in Eldoret when it was flooding.

  43. Blanca, this is an amazing trip and am so happy for you and your effort to make a difference. Am privileged to have met you in Eldoret when it was flooding..

  44. Blanca ,
    cycling Uganda was inspirational! The people , the wildlife, the trees , the plants, flowers , birds . The landscape.
    Your skills , now keenly honed , ranging from negotiating traffic in very busy cities and sourcing out where the next rest place might be in the middle of no where, to communicating in a totally different format ! “What food do you have?” ( Forget the menu, Ngozi!)
    Not just an expert bike engineer, a few other skills to name .

    Thanks for the good times . Will deliver all your hugs as promised .

    See you again soon .


  45. Hej Blanca,
    I do not know if you remember me. we met on MV Liemba in september. Y, me, Mikael from Schwyts and that gay from SAfrica. An amazing journey. Y went your way, I continued to explore Tanzania. Now I have spent Christmas/New Year in Sweden and planning to go back to my beloved Tanzania in the spring. Peddle on, my thoughts are with you. All the best/Rolf

  46. Dear Blanca… wishing you swift and safe passage to Cape Town tomorrow…don’t accidentally end up doing the Cape Cycle Tour with the other 35,000 (ha ha)…. I was inspired by your journey and thrilled to have met you..

    kisses: Laura at Jack’s B&B in Betty’s Bay

  47. You are such an amazing person, I wish you well with your journey and hope to see you next year in London.

    It was nice meeting you and keep in touch.

  48. Kaixo Txuri
    Te he escuchado en la radio Roger ( tu bici…., Ethiopia, Angola, etc,etc. y me has hecho soñar….Qué envidia..!! (no entiendo porqué tu sí y yo no)
    Soy un jubilado solitario de Sestao .
    Te admiro de verdad

  49. My wife and grandkids were in Cairo and met you at the hostel there! They came from Montana, USA and were very impressed with your travels. Keep on keeping on, we are all rooting for you and your bike, ha!

  50. Arratsaldeon!
    Una pasada tus aventuras! Vi tu perfil hace unos pocos dias en instgram. Ya soy un follower tuyo…jejeje.
    Me encanta viajar pero nunca he ido a africa (aun) pero tengo el ojo puesto en cairo-cape town
    Voy a intentar empaparme de tu perfil. ☺.
    A ver si puedo informaeme se las cosillas mas importantes. Como es eso de dormir, improvisa,…
    Un saludo.
    Eskerrik asko

  51. Blanca, hola.

    El día de ayer Conoci su blog gracias a los videos de “vivir en ruta” de Oscar y Blanca.

    Primero que todo quiero felicitarla por sus viajes y sus aventuras alredor del mundo.

    Soy Gilberto Duque, Colombiano y he realizado un par viajes cortos en bicicleta, pero sueño con hacer un viaje un poco más largo por Suramerica; ¿quisiera saber qué presupuesto se debe tener aproximadamente para hacer un viaje similar al que realizó usted por Africa? ¿De igual forma quisiera que me comentara sobre la experiencia del camping salvaje? Y ¿si tiene algún patrocinio y si es así alguna recomendación para conseguir algún patrocinio?

    De antemano muchas gracias.

    Espero que en esta época de pandemia usted y su familia se encuentren bien.

    No me despido sin antes invitarla a Colombia y específicamente a mi casa en Bogota.

    Los mejores deseos y un fuerte abrazo.

    Nota: En Instagram me puede encontrar como @labicidetigi.

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